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O Letras Doces contém Poemas, Frases, Pensamentos... Escritos de forma doce... outras vezes um bocadinho mais amarga. Trata-se de uma transmissão de sentimentos. Espero que se sintam em casa e que respeitem os direitos de autor.

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011

*Unveiling your Soul*

If I could enter in your eyes,
And find the sun that sometimes it shines,
When your soul touches mine,
The wind stop and lye,
Crossing the line made with our eyes.

If I could unveil the soul,
That whispers my name to the whole world,
My heart will stop to beat,
And my veins will not meet the blood,
And my life will not repeat…

And the love touches the borders of my fantasy,
Calling for the name that makes my eyes cry,
Wanting more heart to die in your arms,
Whispering to wind gold words,
That makes my little life supply.

Marlene Carneiro

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