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O Letras Doces contém Poemas, Frases, Pensamentos... Escritos de forma doce... outras vezes um bocadinho mais amarga. Trata-se de uma transmissão de sentimentos. Espero que se sintam em casa e que respeitem os direitos de autor.

sábado, 15 de outubro de 2011

*Remembering your Name*

The birds knows your name,
I told them when I dreamed about you,
I told them when my smile cried for you,
When your shadows left me throw the door,
And it didn’t left your body with me on the floor.

So I told to the night your name,
And spelled to starts so they could look for you,
And my eyes were crying with love you forget to take,
When you left me in that lake,
Where only were tears and more tears…

So I whisper to sun you name,
And describe your straight and your eyes,
So they all could find you while my veins were giving up,
To live with a presence that even doesn’t die,
From the mind that still cries.

Marlene Carneiro

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