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O Letras Doces contém Poemas, Frases, Pensamentos... Escritos de forma doce... outras vezes um bocadinho mais amarga. Trata-se de uma transmissão de sentimentos. Espero que se sintam em casa e que respeitem os direitos de autor.

sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2011

*Heart Beating*

My heart is beating,
With you apart of my tears,
Dripping shining tears,
Missing you away of my soul,
Crying for the days that we below.

Our happiness shines the day,
My sun smiles to us apart,
Feeling your soul so next to mine,
Feeling you in whole my heart,
My love beating in my veins like stark.

My eyes used to see your soul,
Behind the crystals that shines,
And our dreams fall the same track,
With hopes and tears that we stole,
To each other we used to console.

Now my tears are falling,
In whole floor that you left behind,
Your eyes don’t cross anymore the mine,
And my heart bleeds each time he reminds,
Our happiness used to combine.


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